Auto insurance quotes vary depending on a large number of factors. Some of these factors are more obvious while other may raise an eyebrow in customers who don't share the insurance providers' logic. And some of these factors may even seem a bit discriminatory. Such is the status of driver's age, which is a topic for heated debate between customers and insurers. The thing is that depending on your age only you can get very different auto insurance quotes while choosing the same amount of coverage for the same car. At times the discrepancy can be double the amount, so it really gives a headache to certain groups of drivers who are unfortunate to be of a certain age. But before you start arguing with your provider it is recommended to learn why exactly it is so.
Insurance companies use the driver's age as a determining factor for their driving skills and experience. This link is based on the statistical data accumulated throughout the decades and thousands of insurance claims settled. The rule of thumb is that the older is the driver the less likely he or she is to produce an accident due to the accumulated driving experience. Of course, as with any rule there are many exceptions, and there is also a point when age starts to deliver a negative effect on driving skills. But since the majority of distinct age group representatives correspond to this rule, auto insurance providers charge people differently depending on their age.
The most vulnerable group of drivers in this perspective are the teens aged below 25 years. According to general statistics, young drivers tend to be more aggressive in traffic and produce more accidents due to lack of skills and experience. That's why they always get the highest auto insurance quotes. Another vulnerable group is comprised of the elderly drivers aged over 65. At that point people start developing conditions that decrease their reaction speed and awareness, so more accidents are produced because of that. Still, while getting high auto insurance quotes, senior drivers usually get good discounts from insurance providers to neglect the negative financial impact of costly insurance.
The group that benefits the most from their age are adult drivers aged between 30 and 55. It is the most productive period of life for many people when enough experience is accumulated for being a safe driver. But as previously mentioned, it doesn't necessarily mean that all drivers of that age are perfect drivers. And there may be other factors involved rather than age when calculating auto insurance quotes for them.